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In August 2023, Saf-Gard® Safety Shoe Company acquired Industrial Protection Products (IPP) as it ventures into new PPE territory

The family-owned purveyor of safety footwear announced this acquisition as part of an ongoing project to extend its retail footprint and broaden its product offerings. This work began in 2007 with the creation of SR Max®, the company’s slip-resistant shoe division, and later the addition of Vulcan and Michigan Industrial Shoes under the Saf-Gard® umbrella.

“The goal is to adapt to our customers’ ever-evolving needs and make strategic investments that will enable us to continue meeting those needs”

– Saf-GARD president Patrick Kubis

Considering what’s in the queue for 2024, that’s exactly what this acquisition is teed up to accomplish. Saf-Gard® has more than 40 years under its belt providing top-quality safety footwear and hassle-free, customizable corporate programs. But with the addition of IPP’s assets—in the making since 1977—the company will begin providing access to prescription safety eyewear as part of its corporate program offerings over the next year. That means more protective options for customers and greater risk reduction for employers.

Now operating as a division of Saf-Gard®, IPP team members and customers benefit in major ways too. Employees get the added support that comes with being part of a larger family-owned company. Meanwhile, customers receive the same quality products and exceptional service they’re accustomed to, but with a wider selection of brands, more ways to shop—including a larger fleet of Mobile Shoe Stores—and a larger in-house customer service team.

This win-win scenario was no accident as IPP President & CEO Rick Murphy sought growth only without compromising on the company’s core values.

“As a New England family-owned company for over 45 years, my main goal was to keep the service-oriented customer focus that IPP has always had, yet be able to grow with the times in terms of product and technology offerings. Saf-Gard, with its excellent industry reputation, experienced team, and family-based culture, was a perfect fit for IPP. We are very excited about the future.”

– IPP President & CEO Rick Murphy

Bottom line, this acquisition leverages the strengths and values of both companies.

“That’s a prerequisite for smart investments. IPP has laid an incredibly strong foundation for both customer and employee engagement, which stems in part from its drive to treat people like people rather than a number. That resonated with us on a core level and is a major reason we’re so excited for them to join our team.”

– Saf-GARD president Patrick Kubis


Over 40
Retail Stores

70+ Mobile
Shoe Stores

Over 80




Patrick Kubis
Gregg Kubis
GREGG KUBISVice President
Jeff Kubis
JEFF KUBISVice President
Rob Darst
ROB DARSTChief Financial Officer
Ashley Dillon
ASHLEY DILLONChief Marketing Officer
Brent Wall
BRENT WALLChief Information Officer
Chelsea Robinson
CHELSEA ROBINSONVice President of Human Resources
Jose Dominguez
JOSE DOMINGUEZVice President of Operations
Brent Becker
BRENT BECKERVice President of Sales Mid-Atlantic and Hawaii
Dan O’Brien
DAN O’BRIENVice President of Sales Northeast
Chad Rankin
CHAD RANKINVice President of Sales Southeast
Mike Rothstein
MIKE ROTHSTEINVice President of Saf-Gard & Hytest National Accounts
Rick Murphy
RICK MURPHYVice President of Sales - Corporate Eyewear
Sheri Young
SHERI YOUNGCorporate Director: Brand Experience
Koshi Czewski
KOSHI CZEWSKICorporate Director of Training Programs
Jeremiah Bales
JEREMIAH BALESCorporate Director of Sales Strategy & Development
Ashley Perdomo
ASHLEY PERDOMOCorporate Director of Customer Service